Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Above the noise

Bob Marley once sang, "One good thing about music, when it hits you fell no pain, So hit me with music, hit me with music, Hit me with music, hit me with music now!"

My remedy: INDIAN FUSION MUSIC (ie Hawaiian guitar-19 strings, Sitar, Violin, Tabla-two drums, Percussion-noise maker, and Keyboard-tuned to zesty indian sounds)

Our program once again took care of us and treated us to a night of the State's best Indian Fusion Music! I will never forget it! They play a raga-an improv based a composed tempo and style for about ten minutes each. Just jamming the business out of their instruments, passing around smiles at certain sections and nodding at other moments. Each guy just so pleased to be playing their traditional instrument. Most of them had been playing for over twenty years and still sounded crisper than ever. I decided while so lost in the music that if I enjoyed nothing else in India I would be satisfied with this one concert!

But the music was NOISY, everything at once, it was a chaotic-patterned-elaborate-beautiful mess within a tempo...lol. Just like India, noisy! I am not saying this negative or positive. I am simply stating a fact. India is never quite. I was deep in the music when I realized all my senses were being used. The sounds accumulating upon my ears, the incense filtering through the room, the touch of my bare feet on the Persian carpets, the taste of my sweat around my lips.

So today I searched and found space above the noise. Yoga all day began this journey and it ended tonight upon our hostel roof. My friend Ben and I climbed to the very top to see the city lights and breath fresh air. We sat and meditated for fifteen minutes! The silence became overwhleming after having none for so long. I once again was forced to give over my entire self to God. To the silence, to the peace, to the renewed excitement of life...of freedom.

Be encouraged my dear friends, I may be lacking hot water, electricity, and in&out...but our GOD IS ALIVE IN WELL IN INDIA...in me. Have a great day for me. Flash your lights off and on, cause you can! Ha..wait save the energy



Anonymous said...


MLEmary said...

1. AMAZING use of the word ZESTY
2. you're such a beautiful writer... I felt like I was there
3. Yoga and meditation on top of a city_ I don't think I'd fall asleep then
4. The power of God... no words.
5. I'm sending you smiles... because you leave me at a loss of words.

<3 love you.

Unknown said...

Yet again you amaze me you wonderful woman!! My eyes are misty!